The Lehman Lesson
Most people remember where they were when JFK was shot, or the Berlin Wall fell, or the Twin Towers were struck. Wars, assassinations, or natural catastrophes remain unforgettable among those …

Where Does Cyber Defense Stop and Offense Begin?
It is a well-known platitude that the Internet transcends national boundaries, just as it does domestic and foreign policy. However, when countless information technology (IT) networks are bound together in …

Critical Infrastructure Security, Resilience, and the Internet of Systems – A U.S. Perspective
Pervasive and still-growing global connectivity continues to shape and change our world, our economies, our societies, and many elements of human behavior. Along with devices and their software and applications, …

Germany backs small-scale LNG import terminals despite opposition
The German government has decided in favor of building small-scale liquid natural gas (LNG) import terminals and infrastructure. In March, Mrs. Merkel’s CDU/CSU-SPD coalition, in its founding pact, pledged to …

Regulation in the Cybersphere: International and National Debates
A new hack on the German Bundestag at the beginning of 2018 caused a sensation and again brought the explosive nature of cybersecurity policy challenges to the forefront of the …
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Quo Vadis CDU/CSU: The Bavarian Elections and Beyond
Markus Söder has a problem. The Christian Social Union’s (CSU) Bavarian minister-president leads a party that is polling between 36 percent and 39 percent ahead of October 14’s state elections. …

Confidence Building in an Era of Distrust: Baby Steps Toward a Stronger Cyber Defense
In the era of distrust that has followed the Snowden revelations, changing administrations, and a transatlantic relationship that is publicly unraveling, “confidence building measures” (CBMs) is a loaded term. In …
U.S., EU Negotiators Meet in Bid to Ease Trans-Atlantic Trade Tensions
“While this refound enthusiasm for strengthening trans-Atlantic economic ties holds promise, both the United States and the European Union have learned from experience that progress is not guaranteed,” Senior Fellow …

The Chemnitz/Charlottesville Era and Readjusting What to Expect of Government
After the recent week of protests in Chemnitz, comparisons to the events of Charlottesville’s 2017 “Unite the Right” rally have abounded. And with good reason. Both events forced their respective …

Countering Threats Together in the Cybersphere
When the Internet was created, engineers, users, and even political decision-makers were full of idealism. Yet such benign uses of information and communication technology (ICT) are not the whole story. …

Germany’s Charlottesville Moment
The protests and violence that took place last week in Chemnitz have brought home the depths of the western revolt against the liberal order which has been the norm in …

The Future of War?
Just as people expect government to defend the physical world, they also expect government to protect the cyber realm. Governments must have the means to hold criminals and non-state and …