Jessica Hart’s Archive


A Germany Alone?

Those trying to hold the transatlantic relationship together now not only have to contend with the tweets and erratic policies emanating from the White House, but with the actions and …

Sonja Thielges, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Sonja Thielges as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from mid-March to mid-May 2019.  In Germany, Sonja is a research associate in the project “Pathways to Sustainable …

Gut aufgestellt? Trump und seine Herausforderer

AGI President Emeritus Jack Janes discusses the upcoming 2020 presidential election on this episode of Der Tag podcast from HR2. From HR2: Ob wohl eine Frau die größte Chance hätte, …

What Transatlantic Organizations Can Do to Strengthen German-American Relations

The ongoing German public diplomacy initiative “Wunderbar Together,” celebrating German-American friendship, appears to belie the present tensions between the two countries. The state of German-American diplomatic relations has hit a …

More Than a Choice between Huawei or U.S.: The Cost for Europe’s Pursuit of 5G

German chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Tuesday that Germany will set its own security standards for a new 5G mobile network—despite fresh warning from the U.S. that inclusion of Huawei …

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US–EU Trade Relations in the Trump Era: Which Way Forward?

A research paper released by Chatham House recommends a framework for strengthening US-EU trade relations and achieving successful trade talks in the current era of protectionism. US-EU Trade Relations in …

Can the U.S. and Allies Agree on WTO Reform?

AGI Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish spoke on a panel on “Can the U.S. and Allies Agree on WTO Reform?” at the Hudson Institute on March 13, 2019. About the panel At …

Attacks on the Energy Grid and the Future of Democracy

AGI’s Senior Cyber Fellow Sarah Lohmann spoke on “Attacks on the Energy Grid and the Future of Democracy” and “Confidence Building Measures for Transatlantic Cooperation” at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on March …

Trump invokes new demand for extracting billions of dollars from U.S. allies

In reaction to President Trump’s recent “cost plus 50” proposal for allies’ financial contribution to defense, AGI President Jeff Rathke told The Washington Post, “’The United States, including under the …

Necessary but Hardly Sufficient: Assessing a Century of Women’s Suffrage in Germany and the United States

Long before feminists began lobbying for affirmative action, gender mainstreaming, and quotas, suffragettes around the world presumed that the formula “add women, voting rights, and stir” would quickly transform their …

Strategies for the European Union in the Third Age of Globalization with Michael Hüther

Event Summary Michael Hüther, the director of the German Economic Institute and one of Germany’s most influential economic thinkers, spoke at a March 5 breakfast event with AGI about his …

The Two-Letter Word Leaders are Letting Define the Transatlantic Relationship: 5G

If last year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) marked the very public breakup of the United States’ relationship with Europe, this year’s stage message was that Europe had moved on, for …