Hidden in Plain Sight: The Life and Message of Raymonde Fiol
A Call from the Past It was a Saturday in 2007. Raymonde Fiol was sitting on a sofa in her home in Las Vegas. The phone rang. She answered. The …

The German SPD and the Curse of Corbynisation
On December 12, Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party slipped to inglorious defeat in what was Britain’s third general election in four years. Labour’s worst result since 1935 leaves the party no …

The Afghanistan War: Collective Memory Formation in the United States and Germany
More than eighteen years have passed since October 2001, when U.S. forces were deployed to Afghanistan after the Taliban regime refused to extradite Osama bin Laden and shut down Al-Qaeda …

Negotiating for the Future: Lessons for American Diplomacy from German Unification
With Robert Zoellick and Horst Teltschik On December 9, 2019, AGI presented a lecture by Robert Zoellick on “Negotiating for the Future: Lessons for American Diplomacy from German Unification.” Mr. …

A Farewell to Power: Germany’s Social Democratic Party After the Election of a New Party Leadership
The Social Democratic Party, Germany’s oldest democratic party which emerged from an early German labor movement, survived the challenge of communism after World War I, was forced into exile during …
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How “Geopolitical” Can the New European Commission Become?
The new European Commission that took office in Brussels on December 1 has been heralded by its President, former German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen, as a “Geopolitical Commission.” …

Social Democracy in Search of Its Identity
Despite untamed global capitalism and growing inequality within advanced economies, the traditional left continues to be in sharp decline. Social democratic parties lost significant support in almost all Western democracies, …

Maneuvering Around the Middle: Party Politics in 2020
In the last two weeks, four political parties in Germany have gathered at their annual conferences to start positioning themselves for the next federal election, currently scheduled for 2021. In …
Businesses Already Struggle with a Panoply of New Privacy Laws. The CCPA Is Next.
May 25, 2018, was a milestone for privacy in Europe. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of 2016 became fully applicable. One of GDPR’s goals is a “consistent and high …

Building Diverse Communities: Toolkits for Global Cities
By 2040, one-third of Germans will have a “migration background.” Around the same time, the United States will become a majority-minority country, with immigration contributing to this demographic change. In …
Support AGI on #GivingTuesday
What is “#GivingTuesday”? After a series of specially-labeled shopping days—Black Friday, Cyber Monday—#GivingTuesday is a day intended to kick-off the charitable season. Since its inception in 2012 by New York’s …