John Kornblum Remembers Helga Haftendorn
Over the years I have identified two types of “experts” on German-American relations. There are what I would call the “issue” experts. These are writers who chase whatever question or …

Toward a Sustainable Global Economy
The Potential and Limits of a Climate Club and other Plurilateral Initiatives Climate change, loss of biodiversity, pandemics, widening economic inequalities and poverty, high debt and shrinking fiscal space, financial …

Statement on Rising Incidents of Anti-Semitism in Germany and the United States
The terrorist attack on Israel on October 7 shocked the world, a stunning, deliberate, and cooardinated act of violence that became the deadliest day for Jews since the end of …

Publication Preview: The German-Israeli Special Relationship
In the coming weeks, the American-German Institute will publish “The German-Israeli Special Relationship: A Chronicle of Four Decades, 1983-2023” from Senior Fellow Dr. Lily Gardner Feldman. In light of the …

Germany Needs More Industrial Policy
The past two years have been hard for the German economy. Not only has the energy price shock following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shaved off roughly 4 …
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The Opposition Wins in Poland
Implications for German-Polish Relations and Western Unity Poland’s ruling populist, conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS) lost the country’s consequential parliamentary election on October 15. While the party came in …

The U.S.-EU Summit and the Double Irony of GASSA
There are two ironies in the absence of an agreement on a “Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum” (GASSA) at last Friday’s U.S.-EU summit in Washington, where President Biden …

Is the Firewall Still Standing?
No cooperation with the Alternative for Germany (AfD)—that has been the basic principle of all German parties since the AfD came on the scene after 2013. In fact, less than …

A Transatlantic Geoeconomic Alliance against China?
The EU’s impending announcement of an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese steelmakers at the October EU-U.S. summit is among the latest evidence of the expanding fissure in the global economy along …

Germany’s Role in the World
This article was originally published in German in CIVIS, August 2023. The question of Germany’s role in the world is as old as the Federal Republic. In the beginning, it …

The Legacy of Ursula von der Leyen
Is the EU Fit for the New Global Disorder? The recent political turmoil in Washington seems to have triggered a new bout of angst among European partners. It served as …

Andreas Freytag, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Andreas Freytag as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2023. Dr. Andreas Freytag is Professor of Economics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Honorary Professor …