NRW School of Governance/AGI Research Fellowship Program

The NRW School of Governance/AGI Research Fellowship Program, with funding from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, aims to systematically expand the transatlantic network of the NRW School of Governance and the American-German Institute and supports researchers, doctoral candidates, and students as well as institutions and actors in politics, business, media, and administration. Fellows are given the opportunity to research and work at AGI in Washington, DC, for two months. Calls for applications are issued by the NRW School of Governance.

Project Description

The NRW School of Governance/AGI Research Fellowship endeavors to maintain close transatlantic ties and explore new avenues of transatlantic cooperation and networking, especially during times of uncertainty in the transatlantic relationship at the highest levels of governance. Domestic developments in the United States and its foreign, economic, industrial, and environmental policies have a direct impact on Europe, Germany, and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Several phenomena affecting U.S. society and politics can also be observed in NRW, including a trend toward greater polarization, rising concern over the integration of immigrants, and the need for increased digitization to support the state’s citizens. Answers to many of these issues require involvement and creative ideas at the state level in Germany. The fellowship therefore supports individual researchers involved in network building and whose research contributes to one of the following key themes: Transformation and structural change; economic and local policy; energy, environment, and climate; labor issues and social affairs; migration and integration; digitalization; administrative action and modernization; participation, representation and involvement. During their time in Washington, DC, fellows can observe first-hand the situation in the United States, draw comparisons with Germany, and develop solutions that are applicable to both countries.

AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.

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