DAAD/AGI Research Fellowship

The DAAD/AGI Research Fellowship Program, funded by a generous grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), brings senior and junior scholars and specialists to AGI to research key issues to the German-American relationship. Fellows produce policy and scholarly recommendations, presented in public webinars and Transatlantic Perspectives essays.

Project Description

The DAAD/AGI Research Fellowship Program, a partnership between the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and the American-German Institute (AGI), expands German-American scholarly and expert networks and promotes transatlantic dialogue and understanding. The program strengthens awareness in the United States of Germany as a central political, cultural, and economic actor. It also gives German scholars the opportunity to understand firsthand the situation in Washington, DC, and take advantage of the U.S. capital’s resources.

The DAAD/AGI Research Fellowship Program provides opportunities for some of the best scholars in Germany to further their research and outreach in a transatlantic setting, offers important international exposure and experience to its fellows and therefore strengthens and increases transatlantic networks, and furthers the academic transatlantic exchange and cooperation among fellowship recipients and U.S. universities and academic and policy structures. Ultimately, the fellowship contributes to strengthening the relationship between Germany and the United States, invigorates and reinforces transatlantic exchange, and draws attention to the role Germany and the United States can play in addressing current global challenges.

Further Research from DAAD Alumni

Maximilian Ernst, “De-Risking: How Germany’s Indo-Pacific Deployments Support Berlin’s Economic Strategy Towards China,” Brussels School of Governance, February 2024.

Kai Oppermann, “Unpacking Altercasting in Role Theory: The Biden Administration’s Policy of Altercasting Germany into a Faithful Ally Role in Relations with China,” Foreign Policy Analysis, Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2024.

Josefin Graef, “Facing the World as it is? On irony and (counter)terrorism,” Critical Studies on Terrorism, June 2024.

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