America Votes: The 2020 Election
Election Day is November 3. Will voters choose four more years of “America First” under the Trump administration? Or will a Biden administration return to greater engagement with allies? How will domestic concerns shape the future of the transatlantic relationship? What can transatlantic partners expect over the next four years?
Project Description
This Election Day will be the culmination of a campaign season unlike any other in U.S. politics, happening during a pandemic. Voters are finding safe ways to make their voices heard, voting by mail or dropbox or early at the polls, but the possibility for delays and longer counting times make the likelihood of knowing the outcome on November 3 is unlikely. Whether a second term for President Trump or a new Biden administration, the impact of the election on transatlantic relations will be significant.
AGI experts offer their insights into what to expect for the next four years in the German-American relationship. All are available for comment.
Support for this project is generously provided by The German Marshall Fund of the United States.