Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead via Flickr
Redefining Transatlantic Economic Security
Jeannette Chu, Vice President for National Security Policy, National Foreign Trade Council
Jean P. Froehly, Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Embassy of Germany, Washington, DC
Peter Rashish, Vice President and Director, Geoeconomics Program, American-German Institute
Pawel Swieboda, Senior Visiting Fellow, European Policy Centre
Moderated by:
Penny Naas, Lead, Allied Strategic Competitiveness, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Required reports on the U.S. administration’s “America First Trade Policy” are due on April 1 and will address trade issues beyond tariffs. The proposals will impact the future of U.S.-German and broader transatlantic economic relations, with a focus on policies that blend national and economic security such as export controls, investment screening, anti-coercion tools, and intellectual property. It also follows the recent radical shifts in geoeconomic strategy in Germany and the European Union that break with years of fiscal and defense policy orthodoxy.
AGI and GMF will examine the nature of U.S., German, and EU economic and national security interests, where they overlap and where they are in conflict, and how the two sides of the Atlantic can continue to cooperate on joint approaches in a more disorderly global economic environment.
This event will convene via Zoom. Please contact AGI Program Associate Mr. Jack Fornasiero at jfornasiero@aicgs.org with any questions.
This event is presented in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States.