Patients to Agents
Transnational Breast Cancer Advocacy in the United States and Germany
In recent years, new forms of personal identities have accrued significant political power. One such identity is medical patients, and nowhere is their political clout clearer than in the American breast cancer advocacy movement. But have the advocacy and fundraising models developed in the United States transferred to Europe? This seminar offers some initial answers to this question by delving into the recent history of breast cancer advocacy in Germany and tracing American influences there. We will discuss several different forms of American influence, as well as their limits, ending with a brief discussion of the possible implications these new forms of advocacy may have for breast cancer policy formation and research funding distribution.
Join AGI/DAAD Research Fellow Alissa Bellotti as she presents her research on the influence of U.S. breast cancer advocacy organizations in Germany.
Dr. Alissa Bellotti is a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from August to October 2021. She is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Haifa in Israel where she is a member of the General History Department and the Haifa Center for German and European Studies (HCGES). She holds a PhD in History from Carnegie Mellon University. The focus of her research is postwar and contemporary histories of East and West Germany, especially the politics of transnational pop-cultural transfer and exchanges across the Iron Curtain. Her first project (PhD thesis) explored these issues through an analysis of the entangled politics of East and West German youth culture during the late Cold War.
This webinar will convene via Zoom. Please contact Elizabeth Hotary at ehotary@aicgs.org with any questions.
This webinar is supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (FF).