Roundtable with Ambassador John Emerson
On March 13, 2014, the AGI Foreign & Domestic Policy Program hosted Ambassador John Emerson, the new American Ambassador to Germany, for a roundtable discussion. Moderated by Dr. Jackson Janes, President of AGI, the discussion considered the interaction of major current events, including the crisis in Ukraine, the efforts in Afghanistan, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the NSA leaks, and the need for a rising generation of leaders with a desire to improve the transatlantic partnership.
Listed below are a number of relevant articles published by AGI:
Leadership: Who Can Lead the Change?, by Seunghoon Emilia Heo
Trade: It’s TTIP, Stupid!, by Werner Sonne
Afghanistan: Presidential Election 2012: Foreign and National Security Issues, by Gale Mattox
Cyber Security: Cyber Policy in Germany and the U.S.: Challenges in an Emerging Policy Field, by Kathrin Ulmer
Ukraine: Ukraine: Another Test for Europe—and the United States, by Jackson Janes