Digital Policy


After Snowden: The Impact of PRISM in Russia and Germany

Temporary asylum for Edward Snowden in Russia is an embarrassment for the administration in Washington, and being snubbed by Vladimir Putin is a slap in the face for President Barack …

Do the Ends Justify the Means?: Merkel’s Eight-Point Data Privacy Plan

By Alex Racey At her annual summer conference, Chancellor Angela Merkel remained coy on the details surrounding the NSA spy affair. She asserted that the government is taking the necessary …

A Man of Dual-Morals, President Barack Obama

In his recent front-page article in German in der Tagesspiegel, frequent AGI participant, Prof. Dr. Christian Hacke, evaluates President Barack Obama’s hawkish leadership in American security policy, posture, and relationship …

Gesucht: ein Reifer Partner

Dieser Artikel würde am 19. Juli 2013 auf Seite zwei der Welt gedruckt. Mit der Erlaubnis des Authors, steht der Originaltext hier. Read in English Anfang des Jahres 1999 berichteten …

Searching for a Responsible Partner

The Honorable John C. Kornblum, AICGS Board of Trustees member, comments in his recent article in Die Welt on NSA surveillance and its implications on both sides of the Atlantic.

Dishonest Accusations: Dr. Jackson Janes on the NSA Scandal

Featured today on Stern Magazine’s website, AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes’ article, titled “Eure Anfeindungen sind verlogen” (Translated: “Your Accusations are Dishonest”), challenges German reactions to the revelations of NSA …

AGI In The News on Cybersecurity

AGI President, Jackson Janes, has recently been quoted in a number of news articles on cybersecurity and data privacy. From a range of online and print outlets, these pieces detail …

Germany’s Position on Data Privacy and PRISM

Basic facts about PRISM PRISM is a National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program that has existed since 2007 when then-President George W. Bush signed the Protect America Act. The Foreign …

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