Defense Policy


Advancing the German-American Alliance

Updating the Transatlantic Partnership for the Next 70 Years AGI-ECFR Berlin Symposium, May 15, 2019 The year 2019 marks several major anniversaries that trace the arc of the transatlantic relationship: …

Axel Heck, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Axel Heck as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from May to mid-July 2019. Dr. Axel Heck is a senior lecturer in International Relations at Kiel University …

The United States and Germany: Partnership under Stress?

“Could you really defend us?” was the question at the workshop, “Germany and the United States: Partnership under Stress?” This question, while targeted at the Bundeswehr, actually reached far beyond …

The Fog of Drone War: Lessons from the U.S. and European Armed Drone Policy

The U.S. government’s turn to a growing fleet of armed drones has spurred an intense political and legal debate in Europe. However, European countries have not objected to the ongoing …

Germany and Europe Stepping Up – Security and Responsibility

Report of the International Security Forum 2018 Are Germany and Europe stepping up to bear more responsibilities in international affairs as the United States withdraws from international leadership? What are …

Frustration in US over Germany’s defense spending shortfall

AGI President Jeff Rathke tells Michael Knigge in Deutsche Welle, “There is very little understanding in the United States, quite frankly — whether among Republicans or Democrats — for the German government’s …

A Germany Alone?

Those trying to hold the transatlantic relationship together now not only have to contend with the tweets and erratic policies emanating from the White House, but with the actions and …

Dazed and Confused: Germany’s Inner Struggle to Mature

This year’s Munich Security Conference (MSC) once again illustrated the stark contrast in world views on matters of international security and defense. While it was to be expected that Western …

Philip Ackermann, AGSR Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Philip Ackermann as an AGI/GMF Fellow with the American-German Situation Room in Washington, DC, in February 2019. Philip A. Ackermann is a Research Fellow with …

Germany and European Security: Ready to Leave the Comfort Zone Yet?

2019 will be a pivotal year for European security. NATO, the central pillar of Europe’s security architecture to date, turns 70, while the gap between the United States and European …

The German Strategic Debate Gets Serious

As the annual Munich Security conference convenes this weekend, the debate on how Germany and Europe should respond to the Trump administration’s positions on NATO and the European Union (EU) …

Judy Asks: Is NATO Deterrence a Paper Tiger?

Far from it. Deterrence rests on risk calculation and doubt. The costs of challenging the deterrent have to be just high enough to discourage risk taking. While Putin was surprised …