

The Greens: The Reliability Test

It’s two months before the German election on September 24, and the Green Party is struggling to gain traction. Recent polls project single-digit support, with few indications of improvement. Not …

Merkel’s  Method: Another Encore

Germany’s summer vacation is about to be in full force and, with it, the so-called summer hole (Sommerloch). It’s often a silly time in the news, but is also a …

A Grassroots Movement for the Transatlantic Partnership

The transatlantic partnership is currently in a state of uncertainty. Not only the transition from President Obama to President Trump, but also the populist eruption in many European countries reflects …

Yixiang Xu discusses cooperation between China and Germany on climate change

Featuring Yixiang Xu via CGTN America on July 6, 2017.

Germany’s Trust Test 

Three months from now, Germans will go to the polls to elect a new government. While German voters are not as subjected to a permanent election campaign mode as are …

Immigration, Integration, and a New Transatlantic Generation: Giving Voice to Diversity

German-American Issues 20 AGI is pleased to present two essays from the second round of the AGI New Transatlantic Exchange Program: Giving Voice to Diversity. This innovative program establishes new …

Civil Society Can Provide Needed Climate Leadership

The United States is fast abandoning leadership of the liberal world order. The withdrawal of the U.S. from the recently negotiated and signed Paris Agreement is the latest self-inflicted wound. …

A Tale of Two Countries: The Privatization of Immigrant Detention in Germany and the United States

Germany and the United States have the two largest migrant populations in the world. Almost 47 million immigrants lived in the United States in 2015 and around 12 million in …

Different Anniversaries, Same Purpose: War Memory and Reconciliation in Central Europe and East Asia (2014-2015)

The Case of Polish-German and Japanese-South Korean Relations Poland and Germany. Japan and South Korea. Countries that experienced the tragedy of war. Countries that are involved in different kinds of …

Democracy Is Being Questioned? Let Us Invest in Civic Education!

Current discussions about the role and force of civil society in different countries around the world mark a situation in which democratic structures are in various ways endangered by political …

The German-American Relationship: What’s In It for the U.S.?

The German-American relationship has gone from Bush 41’s call for a Partnership in Leadership to Trump’s view of Germany as one of America’s adversaries.  His National Security Advisor and top …

“Out-Cirlik”: After months of tensions, domestic pressure drives German cabinet to vacate Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase diminishing support for assault on Raqqa

German-Turkish relations, experiencing their fair share of turbulence in the past months, reached a new low last Wednesday when Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet decided to redeploy some 260 German soldiers …