
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

The Nuclear Power Endgame in Germany

As the era of nuclear energy approaches its end in Germany, the country can show how fast the shift to renewable energy can be achieved, writes R. Andreas Kraemer, Director & CEO of the Ecologic Institute in Berlin and co-author of AICGS Policy Report 31. In an essay that examines the history of the German anti-nuclear power movement and discusses the future of German alternative energy, Kraemer argues that Germany can realistically achieve 100 percent reliance on renewable energy and be the model going forward for other nations in a relatively short time frame. A version of this article originally appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle.

Doha or Dada

Klaus Deutsch, Deutsche Bank Research, provides an analysis on the Doha Round in the World Trade Organization and what the consequences could be if the world’s major trading partners fail to reach any agreement before the talks will presumably end.

Berlin und Paris sind genauso verantwortlich wie Athen

While Greece certainly deserves its share of the blame for the euro crisis, Germany and France are also responsible to a large extent, argues Olaf Gersemann, economics columnist for Die Welt and a regular contributor to the Advisor. Gersemann contends that by acting in the name of monetary integration, Germany and France pushed Greece and others into living beyond their means via the strength of the euro, leading to the current crisis. This essay appeared in the June 19, 2011, edition of Welt am Sonntag and is available in German only.

Taming the Financial Beast: A Status Report of Financial Regulatory Reform in the U.S. and European Union

Policy Report 47 In the wake of the global financial crisis, the United States and the European Union have acted not only to recover from the crisis, but also to …

Above the Fray No More

For the United States, there is much to fear from Europe’s debt crisis but not much it can do, writes Bruce Stokes of The National Journal, a regular contributor to the Advisor. Washington has a huge financial stake in the taming of the euro crisis, Stokes argues, but the tools that exist to limit the damage are very limited. This article originally appeared in the May 28, 2011, edition of The National Journal.

Global Economic Imbalances and International Security: Perils and Prospects

Issue Brief 39 Despite improvements in the American and European financial markets in 2010, the fiscal crisis in Greece and the continually rising U.S. deficit have caused a decline of …

How Europe Can Get the Germany it Needs

Since the beginning of the euro crisis last year, no solution to the crisis was possible without Germany, write AICGS Non-Resident Senior Fellow Dr. Ulrike Guérot and Mark Leonard, both of the European Council on Foreign Relations. Although Germany has now signaled it will do what it takes to save the euro, much of Europe is worried about the way this will be done; the authors argue that Germany needs to recast its approach to economic governance to avoid the creation of a two-speed Europe and put its economic might at the heart of a push to develop a global Europe.

The Currency of Confidence

In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Dr. Jackson Janes discusses the declining value of the dollar versus the euro and the implications for both Germany and the United States in maintaining confidence in economic fundamentals at home and abroad.

The Euro Zone Should Look to the Brady Plan to Solve Its Crisis

As the financial crisis within the euro zone widens, governments have been at a loss for immediate action to resolve the situation. In an essay based off of his remarks given at a recent AICGS conference on Balancing Global Macroeconomic Discrepancies, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics suggests that the Brady Plan from the Latin American debt crisis in the 1980s might provide a good model for the euro zone as it tries to extricate itself from further crisis.

Europe’s Surprisingly Bold Step Toward Solving Its Sovereign Debt Crisis

The outcome of the euro area meeting last week was far more substantive than expected, even if one takes into account that the expectations had been at rock bottom, writes Jacob Kirkegaard, research fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and a regular contributor to the Advisor. Not only did EU leaders demonstrate how they intend to prevent peripheral defaults, they also gave us an idea of their longer-term solutions for Europe’s economic problems and future integration, Kirkegaard argues.

Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft

The “creative economy” is an important economic factor in Germany, write former Deutsche Bank/AICGS Fellow Thomas Dapp and Philipp Ehmer, producing goods and services worth over 60 billion euros in 2009. The industry has significant growth potential for the future, but some changes within the sector are necessary – namely some changes to copyright and patent statutes – to achieve the maximum growth potential.

The Euro: Halfway Full

In this week’s At Issue, Executive Director Dr. Jackson Janes examines the current concerns about the future of the euro and the challenges of securing both consensus among the euro zone members and domestic political support for the European single currency, especially in Germany.