
The AGI Geoeconomics Program promotes original thinking and debate on U.S., German, and EU global economic strategy with a focus on ways that trade, climate, financial, and technology policies can advance their shared interests, prosperity, and values.

Germany’s Growth Model under Attack?

On his last visit to Berlin in the beginning of May, French president Emmanuel Macron said that “the German growth model has perhaps run its course.” He argued that the …

AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish Joins T20 for Presentation of Communiqué at Summit in Tokyo

AGI Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish joined other members of the Think 20 to present its Communiqué to Japanese foreign minister Taro Kono at the May 26-27 Summit in Tokyo. The Communiqué …

International Energy Policy at a Crossroads?

The Transatlantic Partners and the Future of Energy Energy policy is an area of international relations that has the potential to increase cooperation or spark conflict. When President Donald Trump …

Sovereignty Regained, Economic Order Uncertain: Germany’s Social Market Economy at 70

The Federal Republic of Germany gained de jure sovereignty as a nation-state on May 23, 1949, but its road to de facto sovereignty—actual power to advance its interests in the …

Advancing the German-American Alliance

Updating the Transatlantic Partnership for the Next 70 Years AGI-ECFR Berlin Symposium, May 15, 2019 The year 2019 marks several major anniversaries that trace the arc of the transatlantic relationship: …

One Year GDPR: What Comes Next?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May 25, 2018. Many EU and U.S. businesses rushed to take measures to comply with the new requirements. The GDPR …

China: A Challenge for the Western Economic and Political System

In recent years, China has developed into an important driver of the global economy with strong economic growth. As the second largest economy in the world, China is now responsible …

Transatlantic Responses to the “China Challenge,” and the Changing Dynamics of Global Development

The past decade has been distinguished by the looming question of the “China Challenge,” which has often been characterized as the biggest threat to the liberal world order and democracy …

AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish Speaks on Trade, Intellectual Property in Washington, DC

AGI Senior Fellow and Director of the Geoeconomics Program Peter Rashish spoke on a panel on Trade and Intellectual Property at a conference on “Innovation Leadership: Commerce, Trade, Governance, and …

Ines Wagner, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow

AGI is pleased to welcome Ines Wagner as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from May to June 2019. Dr. Wagner is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Research in …

The German Industry Strategy 2030: Inconsistent and Dangerous!

In March, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Peter Altmaier, presented the so-called National Industry Strategy 2030: Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy (henceforth …

Done is Better Than Perfect: Perfectionism is no friend in addressing geopolitical challenges that impact the German economy.

German companies’ ability to perfect processes or products is unique in the global market and lends any export with a “Made in Germany” stamp a certain level of cachet. But …