Foreign & Security Policy

The AGI Foreign & Security Policy Program addresses German security policy, the foreign policy cooperation between the U.S. and Germany, and the transatlantic defense relationship.

What is at Stake in Ukraine

The next steps in dealing with the crisis in Ukraine will be as much of a challenge for Europe and the United States as they are for Russia and Ukraine. …

Putin’s Predicament: What is to be done?

Vladimir Putin is tracking another Vladimir—this one with the last name Lenin—who published a pamphlet in 1902 called “What Is to Be Done: Burning Questions of Our Movement.” That Vladimir …

Outgunned and Without Friends

“To be in this government is to commit political suicide,” said Arseniy Yatsenyuk as he became Ukraine’s emergency prime minister seven weeks ago. That was just after Viktor Yanukovych’s riot …

On Morality and Mistakes

It is quite impressive, surrealistic even, that while the Kremlin is amassing 40,000 troops in southwestern Russia, close to the Ukrainian border, and sending unidentified military or paramilitary troops to …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Out of the Tower: Essays on Culture and Everyday Life

When was the last time you had a bit more than a “muggeseggele Zeit” to think about what really makes up our everyday cultural lives? For those familiar with German …

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Can the Transatlantic Partnership Manage Trust and Confidence during Cyber Challenges?

Download Full Analysis Abstract: Turning twenty-five this year, the internet revolution is the largest experiment in ungoverned space in history. Yet, as it continues to transform our world, this explosion …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Kulturmacht ohne Kompass, Frank Trommler

In his seminal book in 1959, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, famous sociologist Erving Goffman proposed that people interact with each other as actors on a stage and, …

Barreling Toward a Negative Sum Game

The situation in Ukraine is moving very quickly. Russia will annex Crimea. My sense is that they want to move forward and take much of eastern Ukraine, which would land …

Partner Opportunity: The German Chancellor Fellowship Program

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s German Chancellor Fellowship Program is for university graduates from the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil, and India with an …

Dealing with Russia after Maidan

The Ukrainian people’s Maidan revolution changed the political landscape of Europe like an earthquake of great intensity. The shockwaves are still spreading, and the aftershocks are under way. The ensuing …

Kosovo, Crimea, and Tibet

An article in the German Council on Foreign Relations’ journal Internationale Politik by the journalist Elizabeth Pond stated boldly that, “This week will go down in history as the moment …

It Takes Three to Tango

As the EU’s success in managing Ukraine slips, frequent AGI contributor Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg reminds us that Europe “has more leverage over the situation than policymakers seem to think they …