Foreign & Security Policy

The AGI Foreign & Security Policy Program addresses German security policy, the foreign policy cooperation between the U.S. and Germany, and the transatlantic defense relationship.

United Germany at 25

When Germany’s leaders gather on October 3 for the 25th anniversary of German unification, they will celebrate the progress they have made in integrating the eastern and western parts of the country and will likely also speak of the work still to be done in the ongoing process of unification. If last year’s festivities surrounding the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall are any indication, they will also praise the courageous East Germans for their Peaceful Revolution of 1989-90 and draw attention to the vast changes people in the east have experienced in transitioning into a very different system in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Germany and the U.S.

Reunification was not only a seminal event for Germany. While inspiring and giving hope to people across Europe and around the world, it closed a chapter of history that began with the rise of national socialism and World War II. Today, nations across Central and Eastern Europe stand tall as proud democracies. The vision of a “Europe, whole, free, and at peace” may not yet have been fully realized; but the “partnership in leadership” with a reunited Germany that President George H.W. Bush foresaw is indeed very real.

A United Germany at 25

Twenty-five years on, it is hard for many to remember that nothing about German unification was preordained. Leaders at the time seized an extraordinary moment and created new realities on the ground. The twenty-fifth anniversary of Germany’s unification gives us the chance to remember and celebrate the remarkable outcome. Those reflections should also inspire us to look for opportunities today to make our world better.

A Europe “Whole and Free”

On May 31, 1989, a determined U.S. President George H. W. Bush strode to a podium in Mainz, West Germany to explain his vision of what Europe could be like if the Cold War ever ended. “The passion for freedom cannot be denied forever,” President Bush told West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and others who gathered for his speech. “The world has waited long enough. The time is right. Let Europe be whole and free.”

Close to the Brink

In January 2015, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Science and Security board decided to move the Doomsday Clock two minutes closer to midnight. The clock now sits at three minutes …

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The Refugee Crisis

For Europe, the current refugee crisis presents a two-fold challenge: Will we uphold our humanitarian values, that is, do we view the refugees as people in need and with a …

AGI President Dr. Jackson Janes Discusses Cooperation with Russia

Intensifying pressure brought on by waves of refugee migrants to Europe has generated much debate about Germany’s and Europe’s foreign policy choices regarding the war in Syria. On September 18, …

Immigration Developments

As the influx of migrants making the strenuous trip to Europe continues, it is becoming obvious that if Europe as whole does not agree on a unified solution, it will …

From the AGI Bookshelf: Schwankender Westen

Is the West a sustainable concept and operating principle? Are we entering a phase in which a consensus surrounding the notion of law, freedom, and the foundations of what is …

Wir brauchen das Militär

As the magnitude of the refugee crisis becomes ever more apparent, Wolfgang Ischinger, head of the Munich Security Conference and an AGI Trustee, weighs in on the steps Europe and …

Refugee Realities: Between Bridges and Boundaries

Just as she marks the tenth anniversary of her tenure as chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel is confronted with a crisis—one whose magnitude diminishes others she has encountered over the …

Germany’s Real Refugee Crisis

Germany’s growing refugee crisis has prompted experts to question the country’s foreign policy regarding the troubled neighborhood around Europe’s frontier. In this article from The New York Times, Clemins Wergin, …