

Will Globalization’s Third Phase Be Like Its First?

During the world’s first phase of globalization before World War I, I had a great-grandfather who was a cigarette manufacturer in Czarist Russia. He traveled regularly to Turkey to purchase …

Civil Society Can Provide Needed Climate Leadership

The United States is fast abandoning leadership of the liberal world order. The withdrawal of the U.S. from the recently negotiated and signed Paris Agreement is the latest self-inflicted wound. …

An Accidental Brexit – Key Insights Beyond the Snap Election

 The British EU-referendum of 2016 resulted in a 51.9 percent majority in favor of Brexit. There are, however, serious doubts about whether this referendum was an orderly one. One can …

Different Anniversaries, Same Purpose: War Memory and Reconciliation in Central Europe and East Asia (2014-2015)

The Case of Polish-German and Japanese-South Korean Relations Poland and Germany. Japan and South Korea. Countries that experienced the tragedy of war. Countries that are involved in different kinds of …

The European Defense Fund: A Start but Read the Small Print

After the past month of contention over the shortfall by the NATO European allies, and particularly Germany, on the now well-known NATO guideline to spend a “minimum of 2% of …

Democracy Is Being Questioned? Let Us Invest in Civic Education!

Current discussions about the role and force of civil society in different countries around the world mark a situation in which democratic structures are in various ways endangered by political …

The German-American Relationship: What’s In It for the U.S.?

The German-American relationship has gone from Bush 41’s call for a Partnership in Leadership to Trump’s view of Germany as one of America’s adversaries.  His National Security Advisor and top …

“Out-Cirlik”: After months of tensions, domestic pressure drives German cabinet to vacate Turkey’s Incirlik Airbase diminishing support for assault on Raqqa

German-Turkish relations, experiencing their fair share of turbulence in the past months, reached a new low last Wednesday when Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet decided to redeploy some 260 German soldiers …

Encouraging German-American Youth Exchange through Film

How to keep young Americans interested in Germany is one of the key questions in maintaining solid U.S.-German relations for future generations to come. The nature of the asymmetric relationship …

The Implications of a Diplomatic Kerfuffle

At the end of April, Germany’s foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel traveled to Israel to pay his respects on Holocaust Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum overlooking Jerusalem. Rather …

Seeking Compromise with the U.S. Instead of Conflict

While recently in Brussels, Donald Trump renewed his invectives against Germany’s trade surplus. This fits into an already quite familiar pattern: An unfriendly reception by demonstrators in Europe, major problems …