Merkel’s Summit
Rarely has one of the recent European crisis summits had as little impact on the public mood as the one just concluded in Brussels on Monday of this week. Reactions …
NATO and Emerging Security Challenges: Beyond the Deterrence Paradigm
Michael Rühle discusses the role of NATO in the context of emerging security challenges facing the global community. According to Mr. Rühle, the use of force by NATO will no longer be enough to counter new and unexpected challenges. To continue to be effective moving forward, NATO must find a new approach to the security obstacles that lie ahead.
Go West, Amerika?!
Dr. Patrick Keller ist Koordinator für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin. 2002 war Dr. Keller ein DAAD/AGI Fellow. November 2011 bei einer sicherheitspolitischen Konferenz im kanadischen Halifax: Anne-Marie …
The President’s Pitch
Elected government leaders at any level of government are always expected to give speeches; most enjoy the chance to be on stage. With their speeches, national leaders are given roles …
Ten Years of WTO Doha Negotiations: New Impetus Required
In this report, Oliver Wieck proposes a new impetus to overcome the ongoing deadlock in the WTO Doha negotiations. German industry has a huge interest in a strong multilateral trading system with bilateral free trade agreements offering additional market opening. The recent initiative between the EU and the USA to intensify the economic ties could not only boost genuine transatlantic market opening but should also set a clear signal to the new economic powers like China, Brasil and India to join the “Club of Free Traders”.
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Support Our WorkSplendid Isolation
In his analysis entitled Splendid Isolation, Alexander Privitera explains how Germany is becoming increasingly isolated from the rest of Europe in the fight to fix the euro. With recent bond auctions in Italy and Spain providing some optimism for the euro zone, Germany may be quick to herald the success of German-style austerity in Europe. However, according to Mr. Privitera, the plan to save the euro is actually becoming less German.
Downgrades and Default
In his essay Downgrades and Default, Alexander Privitera explains that while last week’s European downgrades may not have roiled markets, they have some European leaders fuming. Though some European politicians have begun pointing fingers across the Atlantic for the recent rating cuts, according to Mr. Privitera, the problem lies within Europe itself. Until an effective plan for dealing with Greece is put forth, the euro zone crisis will continue.
Is Germany Losing its Allies?
Following a recent statement by Dutch central banker Klaas Knot, argues Alexander Privitera, it appears that Angela Merkel is beginning to lose her ally in the Netherlands when it comes to fighting Europe’s debt problems. According to Mr. Privitera, Germany’s seemingly slow approach to the Euro crisis could place them on the outside of future negotiations.
Primaries and Caucuses in the U.S. Presidential Election
Before American voters take to the polls on November 6, they will first narrow the field of candidates in a series of primaries, caucuses, and elections held in each of …
The Ratings Race
In this At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes analyzes the aftermath of last week’s string of European downgrades by Standard and Poor’s. Like their American counterparts in last August’s U.S. downgrade, European leaders seemed quick to point fingers at those they felt were responsible for the rating cuts. However, the message from Standard and Poor’s made one thing very clear: the efforts to fix the Euro crisis are still inadequate. According to Dr. Janes, the lack of political will in Europe to realize the true core of the problem is limiting the ability to reach a consensus on how to solve it.
The President of the Federal Republic of Germany
In this AICGS Spotlight, Kirsten Verclas, Senior Project Manager at AICGS explains the office of the President of the the Federal Republic of Germany. She also presents the current German President and the scandal that currently surrounds him.
The German President: Positioning a Platform
In this At Issue, Executive Director Jack Janes looks at the scandal surrounding Germany’s President Christian Wulff. While many are asking for the President to step down, according to Dr. Janes, Mr. Wulff can continue to hold office.