Desperation for Relief Growing on Both Sides of Refugee Crisis
As the Syrian refugee crisis continues, Germany is feeling the pressure from an influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants. On 3 February, Germany introduced a new bill that will …
The Comparison between the Recent “Comfort Women” Deal and German Payments to Slave and Forced Laborers
The Japanese-Korean deal concerning “comfort women,” formulated by Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe and South Korean president Park Geun-hye on 28 December 2015, included a pledge from Japan to provide …
Some Contentious Issues for 2016
Ukraine and EU Sanctions against Russia The European consensus for maintaining Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia is beginning to unravel. In addition to the economic costs of sanctions to European industry …

Afghanistan: A Difficult Year Ahead
Afghanistan will confront and challenge Germany in the coming year. It will require close collaboration between the United States and Germany as well as the coalition allies, as the ability …
Refugees and Human Security
Anxiety over terrorism and migration is shaping the electoral dynamics in both Europe and the United States. Both of these complex challenges belie simplistic characterization (or demonization); unfortunately, the politics …
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AGI provides knowledge, insights, and networks as tools to solve the challenges ahead.
Support Our WorkObama and Merkel Craft Their Approaches to Islam, Refugees
In both the United States and Germany, tensions have risen regarding the influx of refugees and relations with domestic and asylum-seeking Muslims. Early this month, President Barack Obama visited the …
A Security Agenda for the German-American Relationship
The shorter-term security agenda for the German-American relationship this year is likely to focus on the intertwined crises of ISIS, Syria, and refugees. We should expect more ISIS-inspired or directed …
Europe Must Save Itself
Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer is right: The European project is in trouble. In a recent article in Sueddeutsche Zeitung he even fears that a European suicide is a …
EU/U.S. Data Transfers: New Privacy Shield – How Does It Look and What Happens Next?
The EU is acting at breakneck speed to fill the legal gap that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) created in October, invalidating the Safe Harbor Agreement for EU/U.S. data …

Changing Parameters of Interdependence: The Triangle of German-Chinese-U.S. Relations
The twenty-first century is a century that is and will be increasingly marked by changing patterns of interdependence, influence, and interests among states, regions, and non-state actors. The structures of …
Missing a Chance, Again
In this article from the Berlin Policy Journal, AGI Trustee Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger calls for Europe to demonstrate its leadership and a common foreign policy in ending the civil war …
Golden Opportunity – The Refugee Crisis’s Economic Potential for Germany
Last fall at the 2015 Frankfurt Auto Show, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board at Daimler AG, Head of Mercedes-Benz, and recipient of the 2015 Global Leadership Award abruptly …