AGI News


In Memory of Eugene Sekulow (1931-2021)

Dr. Eugene Sekulow, Trustee and former Co-Chairman of the Board of the American-German Institute at Johns Hopkins University, passed away on April 26, 2021. Gene was affiliated with AGI for …

Peter Rashish Interviewed on Artificial Intelligence, China, and Trade Policy

Peter Rashish, Director of the AGI Geoeconomics Program, spoke with the Italian news site about artificial intelligence, China, and trade policy. His comments were originally published in Italian, which …

AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen Appears on “hart aber fair”

On the latest episode of the nationally-broadcasted German political talk show “hart aber fair” (“hard but fair”), AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen appeared as a guest alongside German politicians and journalists. …

An opportunity that won’t come again

With President Joe Biden, the United States is making a comeback on the world stage. Originally published in DIE WELT, Hamburg, 3 March 2021, Dr. Jackson Janes and Dr. Eckhard …

Peter Rashish Calls for Enhanced U.S.-EU-Japan Trilateral Process in Foreign Policy Article

In his recently published Foreign Policy article, “Biden Should Finish Trump’s One Good Trade Idea,” AGI Senior Fellow and Geoeconomics Program Director Peter Rashish advises the Biden administration to revive …

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Jeff Rathke Interviewed by Norddeutscher Rundfunk about First Days of Biden Presidency

AGI President Jeff Rathke recently called in to “Themen des Tages,” (Topics of the Day) a daily news show from German public radio station Norddeutscher Rundfunk, to discuss the first …

Jeff Rathke Appears in ARD Short Docu-Film, “Angriff auf Amerika”

AGI President Jeff Rathke was recently interviewed as part of a short docu-film by German television network ARD. Titled “Angriff auf Amerika” (“Attack on America”), the piece explains the consequences …

Jeff Rathke Pens Op-Ed for The Hill on EU-China Deal

AGI President Jeff Rathke’s recent opinion piece, “How should Biden respond to the EU-China Deal?” was published on The Hill on Wednesday. He offers detailed analysis of the steps the …

Martin Richenhagen Appears on CNBC’s “Mad Money”

Chairman of the AGI Board, Martin Richenhagen, was a guest on the CNBC show “Mad Money” to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the agricultural manufacturing industry, as …

AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen Interviewed by Deutschlandfunk

Martin Richenhagen, AGI Chairman, was recently interviewed by the Deutschlandfunk Kultur show, “Im Gespräch.” The wide-ranging interview (in German), accompanied by an article, “From Religion Teacher to CEO,” (also in …

Jeff Rathke Joins Deutsche Welle to Discuss U.S.-Germany Military Policy

AGI President Jeff Rathke joined Deutsche Welle’s The Day with Phil Gayle last Friday to comment on the National Defense Authorization Act as well as the bipartisan effort from Congress …

Guido Goldman: Transatlantic Bridge-Builder

This week began sadly with the news that Guido Goldman passed away at age 83. Guido was known to so many in the transatlantic community as an institution-builder: at Harvard’s …