Tyler Renner

People Assisting the Homeless (PATH)

Tyler Renner works as Communications Director for PATH, a statewide homeless services provider and affordable housing developer in California. He has worked in a variety of public service roles focused on underrepresented communities. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and began his career as a behavioral therapist for youth on the Autism Spectrum. Tyler dedicated several years to LGBTQ+ and HIV/AIDS advocacy, working at the Pacific Pride Foundation in Santa Barbara and the San Diego LGBT Community Center as a Program Coordinator, Development Associate, and HIV Test Counselor. He served as Director of Community Outreach for San Diego City Council, District Three, focusing on constituent services, LGBTQ+ issues, and advancing policies that reduce homelessness. Tyler currently serves on the board of directors for San Diego Pride and writes for the San Diego Union-Tribune Community Voices Project.

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