AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Transatlantic Legacy?
AGI asks: What is Chancellor Angela Merkel’s transatlantic legacy? How has the partnership fared under Merkel, and what challenges are left for her successor? John Kornblum AGI Trustee As she …
Deutschland, Frankreich und das neue Europa
Die Terroranschläge in Paris verändern nicht allein das Leben der Menschen an der Seine, sie verändern Europa, sie verändern Deutschland. Der Terror ist nun auch dort angekommen, wo man ihn …
How Think Tanks Think
The crisis in Ukraine, advancing ISIS radical Islamic terrorists, spreading of the Ebola virus, possible consequences of sanctions against Russia for the economy: The current list of foreign policy challenges …
O, Brother, Where Art Thou? The SPD Must Return to Transatlantic Politics
Guido Steinberg and Nicole Renvert of the Berlin-based Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik detail the rise and — more recently — fall of SPD transatlanticism. The NSA debate has uncovered a …