Enes Mert is an Assistant Account Executive at the global communications firm Edelman where he works with the crisis communication and corporate reputation team in the Berlin office. He has received his master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh in International Relations in 2018. Mr Mert holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Free University Berlin and the University of Warwick in Great Britain, where he specialized in foreign policy analysis with a focus on the EU’s foreign policy.
As a German with a Turkish migration background, Mr Mert is strongly engaged in issues dealing with immigration, diversity and civil society in Germany. He was a volunteer at InteGREATer e.V. where he gave regular talks to young students with an immigration background to raise awareness for education. Mr Mert gained work experience as an intern in the German Bundestag, spent two months as an assistant to the chair of the faculty for International Relations at the Middle Eastern Technical University in Ankara, and interned with the communication consultancy WMP Eurocom in Berlin. In 2015, he was a participant at the School of Democracy in Italy, a forum for young leaders organized by the S&D Faction in the European Parliament. Recently, he took part in the 2017-2018 AGI Transatlantic Exchange Program for Young Minorities in Washington, DC, and Berlin.
He is a 2018-2019 participant in AGI’s project “A German-American Dialogue of the Next Generation: Global Responsibility, Joint Engagement,” sponsored by the Transatlantik-Programm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aus Mitteln des European Recovery Program (ERP) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi).
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