Die Bedeutung zivilgesellschaftlicher und staatlicher Institutionen: Zur Vielfalt und Komplexität von Versöhnung
Versöhnung – verstanden als ein Prozess der Umwandlung von Feindschaft in Freundschaft und der Aufarbeitung einer unmittelbaren deutschen Vergangenheit von Barbarei, vielfachen Kriegsverbrechen im Zweiten Weltkrieg und dem Holocaust – …

Defining Dualities: Context, Content and Comparison in German-Israeli Relations in the Framework of Europeanization
German-Israeli relations against the background of Europeanization transpire at multiple levels. This essay begins with the context, and then turns to the content of the link between the German-Israeli relationship …
A Party System in Flux
Coalition governments in Germany have a long tradition, though more so at the federal level (where there have always been coalitions) than at the state level. These two or more party coalitions are as a rule not desired, but are generally forced by the election results or determined by the strength of the political groups after the election.
Greater Financial Integration in the Face of Growing Euro-skepticism: The Merger Deal between LSE and Deutsch Börse
On March 16, 2016, the London Stock Exchange Group and Deutsche Börse unveiled a deal to merge the two companies. The deal will create one of the world’s largest exchange …
Germans Go To The Polls
While many Americans were focused on the primaries underway in the U.S., on March 13, Germans in three states went to the polls to elect their state governments. The first …
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Support Our WorkState Elections as a Celebration of Democracy
Refugees decided the weekend’s state elections. The refugee politics were the 2016 power issue in competition between parties. All three incumbents were confirmed as minister-president in Rheinland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, and Saxony-Anhalt, because they have showcased superior competence in the face of epochal challenges.
Super Sunday Was Not Black Sunday
In spite of the wide-spread, largely foreign, media reaction to the three state elections, the sky did not fall on March 13. Chancellor Merkel’s unprecedented decision to welcome over one …
Landtagswahlen als Feste der Demokratie
Englische Version Flüchtlinge haben die Landtagswahlen vom Wochenende entschieden. Die Flüchtlingspolitik markiert 2016 die Machtfrage im Parteienwettbewerb. Alle drei Amtsinhaber wurden in Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Württemberg, Sachsen-Anhalt als Ministerpräsidenten bestätigt, weil sie …
Ein Parteiensystem im Umbruch
Koalitionsregierungen haben in Deutschland eine langeTradition, mehr noch auf der Bundesebene (dort gab es bisher keine andere Form der Regierung) als auf der Landesebene. Diese Zwei-oder Mehrfachkoalitionen sind in der Regel keine Wunschkoalitionen, sondern durch das Wahlergebnis erzwungen beziehungsweise durch die Stärke der Fraktionen nach der Wahl bestimmt.
Looking for Leadership, German Voters Send a Signal
Chancellor Merkel may not be very happy with the results of Sunday’s state elections in Germany, but she is not any worse off than she was on Saturday. That is …
To Welcome or Not to Welcome: Native Sentiments Regarding Migrants In Flux
In the U.S., New Orleans police will no longer cooperate with federal immigration enforcement, thus enacting what are deemed “sanctuary city” policies likely to face pushback from opponents. Until recently, …
Migrant Crisis Leading to Rise of Far-Right Politicians
In advance of this Sunday’s state-level elections in three German states, The New York Times analyzes how the migrant crisis is building support for far-right leader Frauke Petry and her Alternative …