Jeff Rathke on European Defense Agenda with Smaller U.S. Footprint in DefenseNews
AGI President Jeff Rathke discusses German defense minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s call for the European Union to prepare for the possibility of a U.S. disengagement from European security–regardless of election outcome: …

Cleaning Up an Over-engineered Mess? German Electoral System Reform
Germany’s electoral system is back in the news because the governing coalition has been considering making some alterations to address consequences of the last set of changes that went into …

Instead of Trade Wars, the U.S. and EU Need a ‘Safe Trade’ Agenda
Writing in World Politics Review, AGI Senior Fellow Peter Rashish calls for the next U.S. to “launch a ‘Safe Trade’ agenda that creates growth, resilience and security without abandoning U.S. …

Jeff Rathke discusses Neo-Nazis in German Army Ranks with CBSN
AGI President Jeff Rathke spoke with CBS News about the recent report by The New York Times on growing evidence of neo-Nazis infiltrating special forces in the Germany’s military. Mr. Rathke …

German Millennials, Their Weltanschauung, and the Transatlantic Relationship
Germany’s millennials are a growing force in politics, as the “Fridays for Future” protests demonstrate. Climate activist Carla Reemtsma called the September 2019 demonstrations “the biggest protest, at least since …
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Helmut Kohl and NATO Enlargement: The Search for the Post-Cold War Order
NATO Enlargement as Order-Building Diplomacy Helmut Kohl’s achievements as a statesman go well beyond Germany’s unification. In the second half of his sixteen-year tenure, Kohl played a major role in …

Climate Politics under Trump: The United States Climate Alliance
The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the fight against climate change. Contracting parties aim to limit global warming to below 2 degrees—if possible below 1.5 degrees—compared with the pre-industrial …

Keep Neutral and Carry On: The European Union’s Continuing Search for a China Policy
The June 22 EU-China Summit ended without a joint statement. Although both sides stressed the importance of cooperation, the EU is clearly dissatisfied with the state of bilateral relations. The …

AGI Chairman Martin Richenhagen Interviewed in Handelsblatt
Martin Richenhagen, AGI Chairman, talks with Handelsblatt about the German-American relationship and the upcoming U.S. election as AGI releases a new report outlining recommendations for the next U.S. administration. Read …

Enduring Partnership
Recommendations to the Next U.S. Administration for the German-American Relationship The United States and Germany have forged a unique partnership in the seventy-five years since the end of World War II, …

Is Germany Trolling Trump?
On May 29, 2020, Germany unveiled its motto for the country’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will begin on July 1 and last through the …