Jessica Hart’s Archive


US-EU-UK Trade: Balancing the Three-Legged Stool

Advance Bilateral Negotiations in US-EU-UK Trade Triangle The renewed warnings by leading Democrats—including the presidential candidate Joe Biden—that securing congressional support for a UK-US free trade agreement is dependent on Brexit …

AGI Welcomes New Fellows for 2020

AGI is pleased to announce three new fellows selected for the 2020 DAAD/AGI Research Fellowship. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the fellowships will be conducted virtually from October 1 …

German Reunification: New Possibilities, New Perspectives, and Our Future Now In Our Hands

The “Wende” and finally the termination of the GDR turned the world upside down for the people in eastern Germany. On the one hand, it changed their daily lives in …

Looking Back at German Reunification Thirty Years Later

Germans have long contrasted the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 with the much more sober formal reunification of East and West Germany in October 1990. The fall …

The Berlin Republic at Thirty: Neither Bonn or Weimar

Rene Fritz Alleman, a Swiss journalist, wrote a book with a famous title at the beginning of West Germany’s history in 1956, Bonn ist nicht Weimar. As the Federal Republic …

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Gearing Up for the Post-Merkel Era

While Americans are consumed with the upcoming election on November 3, Germans are only starting to look ahead to their election next fall. These two elections will be critically important …

Jeff Rathke on Virtual UN Diplomacy

AGI President Jeff Rathke comments to the AP’s Ted Anthony on this week’s UN General Assembly and the limitation of virtual diplomacy, saying, “There’s subtlety that’s lost, and you also …

Germany Needs to Consider Military AI

In November 2019, the German federal government published an interim report, updating the public about Germany’s one year of artificial intelligence (AI) progress since the launch of its national AI …

Munich’s Lessons for U.S. Airports

Most airport travel in the United States is less than pleasant. A typical experience may include long waits in drab and uninviting corridors, a greasy pre-flight fast food meal, and …

Jeff Rathke on Suspension of 29 Police Officers with Neo-Nazi Propaganda

AGI President Jeff Rathke joins PRX’s The World to discuss the recent suspension of twenty-nine police officers in North Rhine-Westphalia, charged with sharing neo-Nazi propaganda. He notes that while German …

Jeff Rathke on How U.S. Election Could Affect European Politics in The Washington Times

AGI President Jeff Rathke tells The Washington Times that, “You’ll have the outsiders feeling like they’re back on the move again because Donald Trump pulled off another victory in the …

A Stronger Germany in the Indo-Pacific?

On September 1, the German Federal Foreign Office released its new policy guidelines on the Indo-Pacific region, titled “Germany-EU-Asia: Shaping the 21st Century Together” (available only in German). The German …