Jessica Hart’s Archive


Get Targeted Updates with AGI’s New RSS Feeds

AGI has updated its RSS Feeds to offer you targeted posts from each of our three program areas and a special feed including material on the German parliamentary elections this …

German Jihad: Reading the History of al-Qaeda through a German Lens

A new book by Guido Steinberg Whenever American counterterrorism officials met with their German colleagues in 2004 and 2005, the radicalization of European Muslims was one of the main subjects …

Elections 2013: Another Merkel Moment?

Over the next eight weeks Germans will be thinking about who they prefer to run their government when they vote on 22 September. Most polls today suggest that Angela Merkel …

Political and Societal Leadership in Encouraging Reconciliation: A Comparison of Japanese and German Foreign Policies in their Neighborhoods

Like Germany in Europe, Japan in Asia after World War II recovered economically faster and more completely than any of the countries it had conquered and occupied. Unlike Germany, however, …

U.S.-German Relations in a New World

Germany played no role in the U.S. presidential debates in the fall of 2012. Even Europe was only mentioned as a cautionary tale of socialized medicine and the dangers of …

Trilateral Dialogue between Germany, the U.S., and Turkey: Turkey’s EU Accession – Endless Negotiations?

After a flurry of enlargement in the early twenty-first century, the European Union may now be encountering enlargement fatigue. After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 in recognition of …

Merkel’s Placet

Remember the saying it takes two to tango? In the case of the European Central Bank, that phrase could prove rather fitting for its President Mario Draghi, who will need …

The Cyprus Mess

There is truly no shortage of reactions to the European Cyprus deal that emerged over the weekend. The plan to raid depositors on the Mediterranean island—no matter how small their …

He’s Done it Again

He’s done it again. Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, has worked his magic and achieved exactly what he set out to do. This time, he talked …

The Growing French-German Rift

Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament, does not mince words. Speaking before a German audience in Berlin, the German politician says that it is time to wake up …

Europe and the U.S.: Withering Together?

With the presidential election come and gone the time has come to speculate about its potential impact on the transatlantic relationship. Today, the Brookings Institute hosted an interesting panel discussion …

Lowered Expectations

Just a few days before the next European Union summit in Brussels begins, it is time to lower expectations. This will not be one of those gatherings that lends itself …