Kai Oppermann, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Dr. Kai Oppermann as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Kai Oppermann is Professor of International Politics at the Chemnitz University of …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Impact on United Germany?
AGI Asks: What is Chancellor Merkel’s legacy for united Germany? Hope M. Harrison The George Washington University Just as many American Blacks did not feel President Barack Obama advanced their …

Angela Merkel’s Germany
Her Legacy for the Next Government At the end of Angela Merkel’s long career as Chancellor of Germany stands a stunning defeat for her party, the Christian Democratic Union. But …
Michael Schwan, DAAD/AGI Research Fellow
AGI is pleased to welcome Michael Schwan as a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow from October to December 2021. Dr. Schwan is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cologne in Germany …

What Does Germany Want?
Germany’s coalition talks will be tricky. And so remains accepting its role as a leading global actor, writes former U.S. diplomat John Kornblum. On September 26, much of the world …
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AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Legacy for European Integration?
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s European legacy? Erik Jones Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Angela Merkel will be remembered for many things, but her grudging pragmatism in response …

After the Vote
Political Dynamics as Coalition Negotiations Begin The result of Germany’s September 26 election is inconclusive in the sense that the composition of the next government remains unknown. But the situation …

The Decline of the Political Center in Germany
Where Good Candidates Can Make a Difference The 2021 elections of the German Bundestag will define the immediate post-Merkel era. In this project on German federal elections, we analyze the …

AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s Foreign Policy Legacy?
AGI Asks: What is Angela Merkel’s foreign policy legacy? Aylin Matlé Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Angela Merkel’s tenure will be remembered for the style rather than the substance of her chancellorship. Hers was …

The Other German Elections
Over the last several months, Germany watchers have been fixated on the country’s national elections, the results of which will finally settle the looming question of who will replace Angela …

Why Americans Should Care About the 2021 German Elections
In about two weeks, 60.4 million Germans will head to the polls to elect the new Bundestag and to determine the incoming chancellor. After sixteen years, Angela Merkel will see …

Nord Stream 2 Deal
Not a Gift to Putin but a Realistic Choice Opposition to the Biden administration’s deal with Germany over the lifting of sanctions related to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project …