Transatlantic Relations after the Midterms

November 19, 2018, 12:00 - 1:30 pm, AICGS, 1755 Massachusetts Avenue NW

A Fresh Start or Further Decline?

Since President Trump began implementing his vision of “America First” two years ago, European partners have been concerned whether a more unilateral and transactional U.S. perspective on the world is the new normal. While some European commentators point to the Democratic takeover of the House as a new opportunity for engagement with the U.S., others worry that President Trump might double down on his “America First” agenda in the more polarized environment. What did the midterm campaigns and results reveal about the standing of “America First” in U.S. politics? How will the new congress and its leadership approach issues of common concern? What are European approaches, expectations and priorities in dealing with the United States?

Please join AGI for a discussion on the impact of the new U.S. Congress on the transatlantic relationship with AGI/DAAD Research Fellow Dr. Niklas Helwig and comments by Sanna Kangasharju.

Dr. Niklas Helwig is a DAAD/AGI Research Fellow in October and November 2018. His research focuses on the transatlantic partnership in NATO and between the EU and the United States. During his stay at the AGI he analyzes the 2018 midterm elections and their implication on the transatlantic partnership.

Sanna Kangasharju advises the European Parliament in its relations with the U.S. Congress.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Caruth at

This event is supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (FF).



1755 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 700