Former AGI Fellow Ralph Buehler Receives Award from Transportation Research Board

Building a Smarter German-American Partnership

AGI congratulates Ralph Buehler, associate professor in the Urban Affairs and Planning Program at Virginia Tech’s Northern Virginia campus, on recently being awarded the “Best Paper on a Topic Addressing Climate Change Issues” by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies Special Task Force on Climate Change and Energy. Dr. Buehler was an AGI/DAAD Fellow in the summer of 2012.

Buehler’s paper, “Daily Travel and CO2 Emissions from Passenger Transport: A Comparison of Germany and the United States,” contrasts trends of CO2 emissions from passenger transport in Germany and the United States since 1990; compares U.S. and German policies that can help decrease CO2 emissions from passenger transport through improvements in technology, including fuel economy and CO2 tailpipe emission standards, vehicle registration fees and taxes, incentive programs for the purchase of fuel efficient cars, and biofuel standards; and briefly highlights policies in Germany and the U.S. that shape the relative attractiveness of driving, public transport, walking, and cycling. The analysis concludes with policy lessons for both countries.

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